Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spring Break Twenty-Ten

Lets talk about it! Sarah Davis and I went together to the SNAG conference in Houston TX last week and it was super fun.

Got to see some good lectures but mostly not amazing lectures except for the ones i am denying happened because i missed them and heard that they were amazing.

At first blush the hotel was super fancy, and then the longer we were there we discovered how jank it really is. Good think we got a conference rate because i would be phoning that front desk every 10min if i had to pay $300 a night.

Houston has a bunch of crazy tunnels under it with shopping and food court type things, it was really weird because from what i understand they have nice weather there a lot of the year so i don't know why you would need the subterranean retail.

The whitewater kids found a shoe store that was actually a front for drug selling, at least thats what they say. There was a crazy long line out of it in the later hours of the evening so unless there is something i don't understand about sneakers, they are probably right.

So the big thing that happened was that our JetBlue flight got cancelled 11:30 friday night. We were supposed to fly out of Houston at 3:00pm on saturday so there was quite a bit of time in between when the flight got cancelled and when we were supposed to actually be at the airport. It was weather related but when we got back to new york they said it wasn't super crazy hear like we thought, it was really windy though.

So Sarah and I drove in a rental car 23 hours and 20 minutes to Washington DC in order to only have the rental car for 24 hours, and then her brother drove us half-way to new paltz and Her boyfriend got us the rest of the way, good kids all around. Super nice of them.

Then I took a quick trip to the old Wisco. Things didn't go exactly as planned so i didn't clean as thoroughly as i would have liked but i did get to see Sliv and the Kitties.

Now that i'm back i need to put the pedal to the metal and make some things, critique isn't this week but when there is no class at all you gotta jump on the opportunity!

Close Spring Break doors!

K. Redford

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